As in, "men would shag a tree".
(Ahem) From The Scotsman, 15h February.
"A man who was banned from a park after it was alleged he tried to have sex with a tree in broad daylight has been jailed for five months and put on the Sex Offenders' Register for seven years.William Shaw, 22, of Airdrie, was ordered by a sheriff not to enter Central Park, Airdrie, after it was claimed he dropped his trousers and underpants, exposed himself, and while his trousers were around his ankles, simulated having sex with a tree."
I love the fact that on top of the jail sentence he's also been banned from the park. No more sex for you, you naughty boy.
Inside: Anyone who identifies the provenance of this post's tree photo must be even older than I am.
Well done you.
Can he get a subscription to the Forestry Commission's brochures to help him through the lonely nights do you think?
He obviously "had wood"
Reckon he'll be pining for his beloved
When the moon fills the sky
Like a big pizza pie
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