like me, are sick of the dirty underhand tactics already being used in the run-up to the General Election.
Only yesterday I came across an example of this trend, a photograph of a grafittied election poster in The Guardian. So sure dear reader that you, like me, would be totally disgusted, I immediately searched online for an electronic copy of the photograph. Alas, to no avail.
In the interests of keepng my readers fully informed therefore, I was forced to use my completely legal copy of Photoshop to produce the mock-up as shown above.
It's disgraceful isn't it?
I mean, it's come to a pretty sad state of affairs when a perfectly reasonable request that persons unnamed should return to a given geographical location is hijacked by vandals who've insisted on daubing a crude rendering of Lord Snooty over the top.
But at least the currency of this outrage will be limited. Unfortunately, some images persist in the media, like the one below. Truly disturbing. We can only hope that the creatures featured here are never in a position, say in politics for example, where they could hurt other people.
Inside: Follow up:http://thejaggythistle.blogspot.com/2010/01/im-sure-that-you-redux-thanks-to-john.html
I recall two bill boards that made me nearly crash the car laughing...
In Liverpool "Jesus Saves" and some wag had added, put "him in goal and move St. John to the wing."
Also in Liverpool "Free Nelson Mandela" and the wag had added "with every 20 litres of unleaded"
And under the handdryer brand name "Advance Towelmaster" the tagline "and be recognised."
Suggest link below may assist:
Thanks for the comment...
My favourite is the one on Tom Harris' blog quoting Harold Saxon/The Master.
Which is where? Do share.
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